

We took a quiz today, below are my answers.

Question 1

1) The Bayh-Dole Act was passed, which gave rise to university technology transfer offices; the GNU Project and Free Software Foundation were founded; the US acceded to the international Berne Convention on copyrights; software was explicitly covered by US federal copyright law [ 1 pt]:


  1. C) 1980s

    Question 2

    2) Creative Commons was founded. [1 pt]


    e) 2000’s

    Question 3

    3) UNIX was published, Michael Hart started digitizing texts for what became Project Gutenburg, and Bill Gates wrote his “Open Letter to Hobbyists”. [1 pt]


    b) 1970’s

    Question 4

    4) Linus Torvalds started writing the Linux kernel, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act was passed. [1 pt]


    d) 1990’s

    Question 5

    5) Several elements are combined in different ways to form the various Creative Commons licenses. Please match each shorthand given in the numbered list with the letter next to the description of that license element below (2 pt for each match). 5.1) NC ___ 5.2) SA ___ 5.3) ND ___ 5.4) BY ___ A) You must convey the same rights “downstream” that were conveyed to you by “upstream”. B) You must attribute the contributions of the original or upstream creators of the work. C) You may not use the work for commercial purposes. D) You may not make changes to the work.


    5.1) C 5.2) A 5.3) D 5.4) B

    Question 6

    6) The presence of which license elements make a license “non-free” in the eyes of the FSF? (give the letters, 1 pt XC each)


    A, B, and D

    Question 7

    7) Which license element is a copyleft? (give the letter, 1 pt XC)



    Question 8

    8) Name two projects which distribute a body of non-software, free culture data, and briefly name or describe the kind of data. (1 pt XC each)


    8.1) Creative Commons generallyh helps people license books and the like as open for rfree usage 8.2) freeculture.org is a place where people can collaborate on free culture projecs, like tools to help libetate websites or libraries ##Question 9 9) We’ve discussed “the four R’s” as a shorthand for the freedoms attached to software for it to be considered “free” or “open source”. List or describe each.


    9.1) Read 9.2) Revise 9.3) Reuse 9.4) Redistribute

Written on April 25, 2018